Pursuing Family Unity: A Guide to the Family-based Green Card Process for Indians in the United States


For many Indian citizens with family ties in the United States, the Family-based Green Card program offers a pathway to reunite with loved ones and establish permanent residency in the country. This program, governed by U.S. immigration laws, allows eligible family members of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents (Green Card holders) to apply for immigrant visas (Green Cards) and eventually become permanent residents of the United States. In this article, we will explore the Family-based Green Card process and provide a comprehensive guide for Indians seeking to join their family members in the United States.

Understanding the Family-based Green Card Process: 

The Family-based Green Card process enables U.S. citizens and Green Card holders to sponsor certain family members for immigration to the United States. The program is divided into two main categories: Immediate Relative Immigrant Visas and Family Preference Immigrant Visas.

Key Features of the Family-based Green Card Process for Indians:

Eligible Relationships: Indian citizens may be eligible for a Family-based Green Card if they have a qualifying relationship with a U.S. citizen or Green Card holder. Eligible relationships include:

  1. Spouses of U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents
  2. Unmarried children (under 21 years of age) of U.S. citizens
  3. Married children (any age) of U.S. citizens
  4. Siblings of U.S. citizens (if the citizen is 21 years of age or older)

Sponsorship Process: U.S. citizens and Green Card holders must initiate the sponsorship process by filing a Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Once the petition is approved, the case is forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC) for further processing.

Priority Dates: Family-based Green Card applications are subject to numerical quotas and visa availability. The availability of immigrant visas is determined by the priority date, which is the date the Form I-130 petition is filed with USCIS. Indian applicants may face waiting periods before their priority dates become current and immigrant visas are available.

Consular Processing or Adjustment of Status: Depending on the applicant's location and immigration status, the final stages of the Family-based Green Card process may involve consular processing (for applicants residing outside the United States) or adjustment of status (for applicants already in the United States). Consular processing requires the applicant to attend an immigrant visa interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate abroad, while adjustment of status allows the applicant to apply for a Green Card within the United States.

Benefits of the Family-based Green Card for Indian Applicants:

Family Reunification: The Family-based Green Card program facilitates family reunification by allowing Indian applicants to join their U.S. citizen or Green Card holder relatives in the United States. This enables families to live together, support each other, and create lasting bonds and memories.

Permanent Residency: Upon approval of their Family-based Green Card applications, Indian applicants become lawful permanent residents of the United States, granting them the right to live, work, and study in the country indefinitely. This offers stability, security, and opportunities for long-term settlement and integration.

Access to Benefits and Services: Lawful permanent residents in the United States are entitled to various benefits and services, including access to public healthcare, education, social security benefits, and employment opportunities. This enhances the quality of life for Indian immigrants and their families in the United States.

Considerations for Indian Applicants:

Documentation and Evidence: Indian applicants must provide accurate and complete documentation to support their Family-based Green Card applications, including proof of the qualifying relationship, financial support, and other supporting documents as required by USCIS.

Wait Times and Processing Delays: Indian applicants should be prepared for potential wait times and processing delays due to numerical quotas, visa backlogs, and administrative processing. Patience and understanding of the immigration process are essential during this period.

Legal Assistance: Seeking guidance from experienced immigration attorneys or accredited representatives can help Indian applicants navigate the complexities of the Family-based Green Card process, understand their rights and obligations, and maximize their chances of success.


The Family-based Green Card program provides Indian citizens with a valuable opportunity to reunite with their family members and build a new life in the United States. By understanding the eligibility criteria, navigating the application process diligently, and seeking legal assistance when needed, Indian applicants can embark on a journey of family reunification and pursue permanent residency in the country. With determination, patience, and support from their loved ones, Indian families can thrive and contribute to the diverse tapestry of American society.


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